The difference among rel=”noopener noreferrer” and rel=”nofollow”


Noreferrer noopener”, is an HTML attribute that is added on to all outgoing links. What is the tag and how does it impact your SEO efforts?

You’re likely to have encountered noopener, noreferrer and nofollow terms if you work in web development. What is noopener, noreferrer, and nofollow? We will discuss them today and how they affect search engine optimization and security.

Some Differences between “noopener”, “noreferrer” and “nofollow?”

SEO is not a problem as search engines don’t take noreferrer into consideration. There are two types of tags: nofollow and tag noreferrer. let’s take a look to see how it works!

Rel=nofollow: Tag rel=nofollow Tag rel=nofollow is used to indicate that either the publisher or the original author of a page will endorse this link. The referred link will not be used except for commercial purposes between users of both pages. Google invented the tag and the microformats community further standardized it. It was intended that the “nofollow” link would not transmit PageRank to spammers, and they would stop posting spam on blogs. It didn’t work out and rel=nofollow is still in effect. Many blogs added rel=nofollow to their comment links.

Rel=noreferrer: This tag signifies that no referrer information is to be published on a hyperlink. This is mainly to indicate that the browser will not pass the HTTP referrer header if a user clicks on a hyperlink. The discussion on StackExchange seems to support this conclusion. People also stated that it would not impact SEO when I discovered the discussion.

Rel= “noopener”: Linking a page to another page with target=”_blank” will result in your new page running on the same process. If a new page executes the costly JavaScript type, it could cause a slowdown in page performance. As well, target=”_blank” may prove vulnerable on occasion because a new page can access the window object through window.opener, which can sometimes redirect a new page to a different URL, the location of which is defined as “window.opener.location = new URL”.